How Dental Veneers Can Boost Your Confidence

Dental Veneers Van Nuys, CA

If you are not happy with your smile, dental veneers could be just what you need to feel good about yourself. This restorative approach can transform the structure and appearance of a tooth. You do not have to be embarrassed any longer when you look in the mirror. Your dentist can repair even the most challenging cosmetic issues.

Description of dental veneers

In dentistry, a veneer is a thin porcelain shell that attaches to the front of a tooth. Often, the dentist will place it on a front tooth that has visible damage or flaws. The dentist can make a veneer to closely match the size, shape and color of surrounding healthy teeth. This helps ensure that it does not stand out. By doing this, the veneer is virtually invisible, making it appear as though the patient’s natural teeth have no blemishes.

Taking care of unsightly issues

Whether by accident or by poor habits, certain unwanted conditions can arise with teeth. People who do not keep up with good oral hygiene habits of daily brushing and flossing will likely soon see yellow or brown stains on their teeth. Teeth can chip, fracture or crack because of decay. These problems can arise from hard blows to the face, either from an accident or injury from physical activity. Dental veneers can cover up these cosmetic concerns and restore the person’s smile.

Happy to open up again

People who have discolored or misshapen teeth may feel self-conscious about speaking to other people. Tooth damage can have the same effect. It is common for a person to have low self-esteem if their teeth do not look the way they want. Porcelain veneers can help the person once again feel good about smiling and speaking to people at work, in social situations and in everyday life.

Meeting new people

A smile is one of the first things people will notice about someone during a first encounter. Individuals with significant tooth dysfunctions and damage can have a difficult time interacting with new acquaintances. Going on a date or having a job interview can be a scary prospect for a person with broken front teeth or abnormally shaped teeth. Fortunately, dental veneers are an effective way to solve these problems. This treatment can turn a negative first impression into a memorable one.

Worth the time and effort

Getting dental veneers usually requires only one or two visits to the dentist. At the first appointment, the dentist will remove some of the affected tooth’s enamel and reshape it so the veneer fits properly. Meanwhile, the dentist will make the veneer and attach it using cement and a light to accelerate the hardening process. The dentist tests the fit and makes any necessary adjustments.

A whole new you

Discover the mouth and smile you have always wanted. Find a cosmetic dentist near you and get dental veneers today. You can stop avoiding other people and show off your teeth with excitement. Contact your dentist and make an appointment to get started.

Request an appointment here: or call Dr. David Esraeli DDS at (818) 574-4438 for an appointment in our Van Nuys office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates in Van Nuys, CA.

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